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  • Model: CP6AR
  • 1 In Stock
  • Manufactured by: Diamond

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75m/40m/20m/15m/10m/6m 200W 15.1' VERTICAL CP-6AR MULTI BAND HF BASE ANTENNA
The CP6AR multi-band trap-vertical antenna for HF bands, covering the 75*, 40*, 20, 15, 10 and 6m amateur bands. Made from heavy duty aluminum, the CP6AR assembles easily, and yeilds excellent performance and reliability from a compact base
station antenna. Its compact size allows for many mounting options. Minimum 15' diameter required for mounting radials. No additional ground radials required.

Special Features:
Compact size
Heavy-duty aluminum antenna sections
Easy assembly
No additional ground radials required
Mounting hardware included


Frequency: 75 - 40 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 6m
Power: 200 watts PEP
Impedance (output): 50 ohms
VSWR: 1.8:1 (Nominal)
Element Phasing: 1/4 wave trap vertical groundplane.
Radials: Six, Trap design.
Grounding: Direct grounding. Antenna element and radials connected to mounting pipe.
Max Wind Rating: 80 mph (no ice)
Mast Diameter Acceptance: 1.2" - 2.4"
Overall Length: 15.1' (4.6m)
Weight: 9.9 lbs. (4.9kg)
Connector: SO239 female UHF

*CP6AR will cover small portion of 75 meter phone band. Antenna tuner required for additional coverage.

Band / MHz Approx. Bandwidth*
75m / 3.8 MHz ñ20KHz
40m / 7 MHz ñ40KHz
20m / 14 MHz ñ100KHz
15m / 21 MHz ñ200KHz
10m / 28-29 MHz ñ500KHz
6m / 50 MHz ñ1.5MHz

*1.8:1 SWR or better, 2.1:1 SWR or better on 75 meter

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